Monday, September 5, 2011

Three Pennies

Well, I was working at Harvest (our home turned rental) on July 4, 2009, and was engaged in cleaning the yard, trimming the grass and killing weeds. During that time, I scraped up a penny here and a penny there and a penny somewhere else. I had placed them on a railroad post, a fence post and on the carport. I figured they were just lousy pennies and although I had picked them up and put them somewhere, I probably would have no use for them. It was the end of the work day, I was hot and tired and I decided that on my way home I would pick up a chocolate milk and a vitamin water when I stopped for fuel. The chocolate milk would be 1.99 and the vitamin water would be 1.00 so the tax should be 3 cents. I needed 3 pennies! What luck, I had found 3 pennies that very day. That means that I would not need to break a bill and get a bunch of change back. I then went to get my pennies. I found the one on the railroad tie post, I found the one on the fence post, but where was the one on the carport? Oh no, not now, I found a use for the pennies but where was the last penny? I looked and looked but no penny. Well, I decided to use the Law of Attraction (prayer) and find that last blessed penny. So I offered my prayer, I was thinking penny but that bloomin’ penny was no-where to be found. So I looked on the carport again but could find no penny. I continued cleaning up, putting away my tools, loading the truck all the time looking everywhere for the penny, the truck tail gait, the back porch, I even looked around the yard to see if I could find another penny (I’m sure there are others). Nope. No luck. Then, as I was loading the last of tools and locking up, what?, there it was right on the carport. This time I was looking at from a different angle and THERE IT WAS!... Saved. Prayers answered. Law of Attraction works! So I finished, and headed off to the QT to get my fuel and refreshment. As it turns out, the chocolate milk was less than I expected, the water was more than I expected and the total came to $3.18. So I got to use my 3 pennies, still had to break a bill but only had silver in change… life is lovely…